Hi, I'm

Minsuh Jang

I'm currently majoring in Design
and studying animation in Korea.

Copyright 2022 (c) Minsuh Jang All rights reserved.

Frequently asked


What tool do you use to draw?

Mainly Ipad pro 11, and an app called Procreate.

How can I contact you regarding commission/work, etc?

You can email me via
[email protected]

How can I improve my drawing skills?

Drawing something I like (in my case they were faces and bodies) helped me a lot.
The important thing is that you have to enjoy drawing to the extent where you are fully immersed in the act of 'drawing'. Changing the tools or the subject always worked for me whenever drawing became boring.

What countries have you been to?

I lived in Japan for a year when I was in my first grade and lived in Qatar, Saudi Arabia for 5 years until I graduated high school. I can't speak Arabic though..

What's your MBTI?